How my keepsake books can catalyse grief

I learn most about what I do from speaking to my clients. Today I rang a client since he had received the keepsake book of his dad’s memorial service and I wanted to find out how it had been received; Chris had previously told me he had waited until his family were together before looking at it.

Chris told me that his mother had cried when she went through the keepsake book and he was surprised as she hadn’t cried during the funeral, but had last cried when her husband was in hospital.

So I can’t help feeling keepsake books can catalyse feelings of grief perhaps by being a material acknowledgment of extraordinary personal loss. What I also learnt is that keepsake books can bring families together long after the funeral.

Chris told me the book is now in a dedicated memorial area at the family home alongside some of his father’s personal affects so his family has somewhere to reflect when they need to.